PayPal is the best option to make all your payments. The following is a step by step on how to enroll in PayPal if u dont have a credit card. All u need is a valid bank account. You can also use credit cards with PayPal for those of you who dont like to buy things over the internet. Ok so let the guide begin.
Step 1. Go to , and click on the link towards the top of the page that says SIGN UP NOW.
Step 2. click on the Personal Account since it will be made for your personal use. Then you will choose your country from the drop down tab right next to the personal account. (if your country is not there then you will not be able to use PayPal)
Step 3. You will then be prompted to enter your personal information.
a) For the country of citzenship its simple put the country you are a citizen in.
b) For primary currency . This is tricky but dont worry if you do not see your currency there just go by US DOLLAR as currency
c) As you scroll down after you enter your information, enter the email address that you would like your account to be connected with.
d) then you will need to select a secret question (make sure to write down your answers to those as well as your password that you used to make the account which will be your login password.)
e) You will be asked to make this a premier account.
f) Then you have to read and Accept both of the user agreements then u will type in the letters it tells you to enter.
g) click on the sign up button at the bottom of the page
Step 4. After you click the sign up button you will be sent to a page that prompts you to enter credit card information (IF YOU DONT HAVE A CREDIT CARD CLICK CANCEL and it will move on to the next page)
Step 5. Then it will bring you to a page that confirms your email address check if it is correct then press the continue button. (good job you just created a account)
Step 6. Click on the confirm email address . check your email address to find the paypal has sent you. Then click on the link that say CLICK HERE TO ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT. Once u click the link enter the conformation number it gives you.
THE most important thing is if you do not live in the US you will need to do a bank transfer at your bank in order to add funds to your paypal account . The information you will need is your paypal id and maybe password ( If your debit or bank card has a VISA or MASTERCARD logo on it it will act as a credit card then u will need to add the card via the add a credit card link) .
If you live in the US all you will need to do is add your bank account info. They will make 2 deposits into your bank account . The amount of each deposit will between $0.01 USD and $0.99 USD and will usually appear in your account in 2-3 business days. To complete the confirmation process, you must enter the two amounts on our Confirm Bank Account page. The Confirm Bank Account page will only appear in the Activate Account box after you have added a bank account.
Once you have done that you will be able to use paypal to make purchases online (be aware that it will be taken out of your bank account so make sure u have enough funds in there, also if u added a credit card make sure when you are about to pay it says either the bank account or credit card if it isnt the correct option you can change it under the more funding options link)